The technical spectrum engineering solution SPECTRAemc is a powerful tool that assures efficient usage of the scarce and valuable radio spectrum. Based on a comprehensive library of wave propagation models for the entire frequency range, it supports all relevant tasks from coverage prediction, interference assessment, channel assignment to national and international coordination processes.
For utmost user-experience and performance a unique automation feature has been integrated. With the aid of a unique wizard workflow engine, the user is guided smoothly through the respective engineering or analysis task. As all details of even complex calculations may be pre-defined and prepared by experts, the user can simply follow the procedures and does not need to worry whether the settings have been set up correctly.
SPECTRAemc is practice proven and in operation in various countries worldwide. Different customer groups from different markets (including spectrum regulation, defense, airports and hubs as well as industries) rely on the performance and accuracy of the most advanced spectrum engineering solution on the market.
Use Cases and Applications
Many challenges - one solution: SPECTRAemc for…

National Regulation authorities are confronted with a multitude of applications for frequency usage each day. But not only the amount of requests might be a challenge: Regulation Authorities typically need to analyze the whole frequency range (inter and intra-service), process the incoming request accurately and in time, take care about potentially complex coordination agreements, etc.
In order to be able to cope with all these challenges, SPECTRAemc provides a comprehensive toolbox that features all relevant analysis tasks for spectrum regulators. Based on precise digital mapping data and a comprehensive library of wave propagation models (e.g. ITU P.530, P.452, P.1812, FCC curves and many others), accurate results for coverage assessments (Power Flux Density, Fieldstrenght, Receiver power, etc.) and interference prediction (C/I, T/I, I/N, Threshold degradation, …) are available. A user-friendly channel assignment function guarantees efficient spectrum usage without causing or suffering from harmful interferences.
Besides that, specific functions for special use cases are available as AddOns. This includes for example coordination processes with neighboring countries (bilateral agreements or international processes (e.g. European HCM Agreement for Fixed and Land Mobile, HCM for Africa – HCM4A, FACSMAB agreement) and ITU coordination and notification or dedicated support functions for spectrum auctions or special events.
Finally, SPECTRAemc also includes a unique wizard workflow engine that allows for the automation of the respective calculation tasks. This increases the efficiency when working with the system and helps to cope with the vast amount of incoming requests.

The requirements for a spectrum engineering solution in a military context are quite diverse and critical. For decision-making on frequency request and in order to automatically identify acceptable interference cases SPECTRAemc provides sophisticated methods and instruments. The tool allows for a scenario-based evaluation and analysis for each use case. General analysis tools for calculations across the radio services are included with the basic and specialized planning and analysis tools for certain services are available.
Use cases range from assuring communication between the headquarter and remotely located units, protection of routes and convoys against Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), supporting reconnaissance operations and many more.
However, for the majority of soldiers and troops their expertise is not usually in spectrum management and spectrum engineering. Moreover, there is little time during an operational mission for technical analyses. Therefore, LS telcom is able to provide a solution that performs such calculations in an automated, quick and user-friendly manner with the aid of its wizard workflow engine. This module performs all technical analysis tasks and provides fast results upon a single click.
SPECTRAemc is able to import and read data in NATO SMADEF V4.3 format.

Smart airports are requiring solutions to manage the frequency usage on their premises. More and more wireless devices are brought into operation and need to be managed accordingly. SPECTRAemc assures the compatibility between the various devices and protects the critical communication systems of the airport against harmful interferences. The system’s engineering functionality also covers frequency assignment calculations, airport planning, radar and fixed link planning, interference calculation as well as coverage prediction and planning.
Furthermore, SPECTRAemc supports specific aeronautical coordination agreements and propagation models and is able to process incoming requests. The comprehensive coordination and compatibility calculations are based on ICAO rules (COM2, COM3, COM4 and COM5 calculations).

Wireless technologies are a key enabler for industry 4.0 which describes a concept in which high-performance production systems are combined with state-of-the-art communication technology. In this context, 5G, WIFI, and different IOT standards are required to generate and implement smart factories.
As an example, in Germany or Brazil 5G spectrum is licensed exclusively for industrial customers. By this means, they can benefit from highest performance of a network that is fully under their own control. However, the corresponding campus network also needs to be managed accordingly.
As spectrum engineering is typically not the main focus of industrial customers, SPECTRAemc and the inbuilt wizard workflow engine may provide an optimal solution. LS telcom will prepare the required calculation routines that enable the users to plan, manage and optimize the different wireless networks with ease. All the required calculations are available in SPECTRAemc’s comprehensive toolbox, including suitable wave propagation models or automated wizards.