The world of telecommunications is going through rapid changes these days. Global mega trends and underlying radio applications such as highly innovative IoT solutions, versatile M2M communications, 5G and 6G already upon the horizon have a major impact on our society and generate a continuously increasing demand and endless hunger for the scarce and precious resource of radio spectrum.
As a government organization, your role is to proactively manage and continuously protect the radio spectrum to ensure that business, people and society can receive the maximum benefits of telecommunication developments. The challenge hereby lays in the provision of sufficient radio spectrum for all relevant stakeholders in order to make sure that connectivity is ensured across all domains at any time.
This is where we come into play: At LS telcom, we support Telecommunications Ministries and Regulatory Authorities in strategic decision making with spectrum consulting services and provide fully integrated and automated spectrum management and monitoring solutions to achieve operational excellency. Our Smart Spectrum Solutions help you in unleashing the full potential of your radio spectrum.
Having worked with more than 100 Ministries and Authorities across the globe over the last 30 years, our customers benefit from our global know-how and experience.

Your Spectrum Regulation Contact
Frank Wandres
Phone: +49 (0) 7227 9535 600
E-mail: FWandres(at)
Useful Information
Our System Solutions
Find out about our technology and services driving spectrum efficiency
Automated and Integrated Spectrum Management Systems
As a one-stop-shop for telecommmunication ministries and regulation authorities, we offer a truly holistic approach for efficient and effective spectrum regulation by providing both, spectrum monitoring as well as management systems.
Today, regulators across all continents manage their national frequency spectrum with our software system SPECTRA or its successor mySPECTRA.
The National Telecom Regulatory Authorities for example in the UK, Germany, Canada, Australia, Indonesia, Ghana, UAE and Qatar have fully automated their spectrum management processes with mySPECTRA.
Spectrum Monitoring & Enforcement
We provide distributed radio frequency monitoring systems for evidence-based law enforcement and more efficient spectrum allocation.
Our systems support regulators in
- Interference detection
- Direction finding and geo-location of illegal, unwanted, and faulty emitters
- Identification and location of unused and underused frequencies
- Spectrum inventory and spectrum optimization
- EMF measurements
- Enabling dynamic spectrum access
Integrated Spectrum Management and Monitoring Solution
Spectrum monitoring is an essential and integral part of the spectrum management process. Our integrated spectrum management and monitoring solution helps spectrum managers in their day-to-day work.
Spectrum managers can compare real-time spectrum measurement data with data in the spectrum license database to:
- Increase data accuracy of the license database
- Identify frequency bands, in which efficiency can be improved
On the other hand, monitoring staff having access to license data may correlate license data with measurement data to identify illegal spectrum use.
The combination of the spectrum licensing database, spectrum monitoring hardware and software for data analysis and storage, makes this a unique solution providing data mining and data analysis in spectrum management for:
- Better spectrum planning
- Evidence-based regulation and spectrum policy making
Our Consulting Services
Rely on more than 30 years of experience in smart spectrum management
Spectrum Consulting
Spectrum policy is about a lot more than just frequencies and transmitters; it is about services and people. Our consultants address not only the technical issues but the social and economic implications of spectrum use, too.
Whilst the drive for spectrum efficiency is global, our solutions take into account regional and country-specific issues and sensitivities. There is no ‘one-size fits all’ approach to optimizing spectrum use.
We have worked with over 100 spectrum regulators worldwide and we have an unparalleled view of the various solutions employed. When considering your issues, we can call upon our experience from around the world. We ensure that your solution addresses local issues as well as drawing upon the best international best practices.
Unleashing the full potential of 5G while 6G is not that far away...
We assist regulators, operators and vertical markets in unleashing the full potential of 5G.
LS telcom is assisting governments and regulators in developing their spectrum policy and regulations towards 5G. For example, we have assisted the UK government with a report on 5G infrastructure requirements in the UK, and have concluded a project that examines the approaches to spectrum assignment in the EU with a view to the future availability of 5G.
As a member of the UK’s 5G Innovation Centre (at the University of Surrey), we are at the leading edge of 5G developments.
5G for regulators | 5G for operators and vertical markets |
Regulators and regional organizations have to pave the way for 5G with a sound regulatory framework. Many questions need answering:
We assist regulators with:
| More network infrastructure, more end user devices, more interference… Mobile operators and new market entrants, such as the vertical markets, face new network challenges with the introduction of 5G technologies: Consumers are expecting faster connections and more infrastructure is required for 5G networks. At the same time, a denser network is more prone to interference. Another challenge arises from the greater number of different end-user devices. Low Latency… Latency will be pushed to its physical limits, necessary to enable many new applications and networks, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), the self-driving car, and concepts of the smart industry and smart city. Various business models for deployment of 5G Furthermore, besides the “conventional” mobile operator business model, many new business models based on 5G will arise in the vertical markets. We support mobile operators and vertical markets in revising and developing their business models for the deployment of 5G. We assist with:
And provide teaching and learning on 5G topics |
Download more information on our 5G expertise:
We assist you with:
- Sector policy development and renewal (telecoms, broadcasting, transport)
- Spectrum strategy, policy, master planning and guidelines
- Implementation of spectrum pricing and use of economic tools
- Assessment of spectrum supply and demand
- Spectrum and technology developments (whitespace, cognitive radio, LTE, re-farming)
- Spectrum audits and inventory
- Spectrum re-farming
- Technical sharing, spectrum re-farming and compatibility analysis
- Training and capacity building
Contact us at Info(at) and find out how we can help you!
Radio Engineering
Technical issues remain at the heart of efficient spectrum management.
Assessing coverage, compatibility and co-existence, whether between national or cross-border services or technologies, is essential to avoid harmful interference. More and more users are looking at sharing as a way to retain their spectrum allocations. But sharing brings increased risk of interference. LS telcom has always been at the forefront of spectrum technology.
Our technical experts routinely solve complex engineering problems; analyze, plan and optimize networks; and model costs, capacity and coverage. They have vast experience of working with regulators in various countries across the world.
Contact us at Info(at) and find out how we can help you!